Regional Meeting
These dates are located on the Grand Master's Calendar found on the Grand Lodge Website, All meetings will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. The host Lodge will serve coffee and doughnuts at 8:30 AM and soup and sandwiches at lunch.
All Worshipful Masters, Secretaries and the Membership Chairman are required to attend one meeting. Other Lodge members are welcome to attend. Meeting Attire: Business casual for attendees.
Regional Meeting
These dates are located on the Grand Master's Calendar found on the Grand Lodge Website, All meetings will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. The host Lodge will serve coffee and doughnuts at 8:30 AM and soup and sandwiches at lunch.
All Worshipful Masters, Secretaries and the Membership Chairman are required to attend one meeting. Other Lodge members are welcome to attend. Meeting Attire: Business casual for attendees.
Regional Meeting
These dates are located on the Grand Master's Calendar found on the Grand Lodge Website, All meetings will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. The host Lodge will serve coffee and doughnuts at 8:30 AM and soup and sandwiches at lunch.
All Worshipful Masters, Secretaries and the Membership Chairman are required to attend one meeting. Other Lodge members are welcome to attend. Meeting Attire: Business casual for attendees.
Regional Meeting
These dates are located on the Grand Master's Calendar found on the Grand Lodge Website, All meetings will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. The host Lodge will serve coffee and doughnuts at 8:30 AM and soup and sandwiches at lunch.
All Worshipful Masters, Secretaries and the Membership Chairman are required to attend one meeting. Other Lodge members are welcome to attend. Meeting Attire: Business casual for attendees.
Grand Lodge Regional Meeting
Worshipful Master, Secretary, and Membership Chair must attend one of the regional meetings.
Grand Lodge Regional Meeting
Worshipful Master, Secretary, and Membership Chair must attend one of the regional meetings.
Grand Lodge Regional Meeting
Worshipful Master, Secretary, and Membership Chair must attend one of the regional meetings.
Grand Lodge Regional Meeting
Worshipful Master, Secretary, and Membership Chair must attend one of the regional meetings.
The Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of Maryland 234th Annual Communication
This is event is for the WM, SW and one PM to attend this year, due to COVID-19 restrictions.
GL Leadership Seminar
For Registration contact Lodge Secretary. Registration Deadline is February 28, 2020.
There are four different price packages available for registration:
Weekend Stay – Individual attending: $275.00
Weekend Stay – With Spouse or significant other attending $325.00
Commuter Attendance – Individual: $100.00
Commuter Attendance – With Spouse or Significant Other attending: $150.00
Masonic Services for MWPGM Stephen Joseph Ponzillo, III
Masonic Services in honor of MWPGM Ponzillo who laid down his working tools and now resides in the Celestial Lodge above.
Please join WM Fermaint and SW Gonzalez in pay respects to him and his family.
Regional Meeting Maryland Grand Lodge
All meetings will begin at 9:00 a.m.
Host Lodge will serve coffee and donuts at 8:30 a.m. and soup and sandwiches for lunch.
All Worshipful Masters, Wardens, Secretaries & Membership Chairman are required to attend one Regional Meeting.
Other Lodge members are welcome to attend.
Dress code: Hogwarts for Grand Line Officers
Business casual for attendees