Bingo Fundraiser
The Brothers of Odenton Lodge will be holding our annual Bingo fundraiser at the Severn Elks Lodge.
Stated Communication - 3rd Degree
Education: The Folger Cipher by PM S. Brent Morris, Patmos-Solomon’s Lodge #70.
Stated Communication - 3rd Degree
Odenton Lodge will be raising Brother Zachary Taylor to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. We will also be taking up the GMW with GI Rice.
Stated Communication - 3rd Degre
The Brothers of Odenton Lodge will be taking up the GMW.
Education: From Operative to Speculative - The Early Manuscripts presented by PM Andy Martinez, Annapolis Lodge 89
Widows Night
WM Casey and JW Barnes will be delivering dinner to the the widows of Odenton Lodge. For more information please contact JW Barnes.
Bonnie Blink Bingo
The Brothers of Odenton Lodge will be calling Bingo for the residents of Bonnie Blink.
Stated Communication - 2nd Degree
Education: The Orders of Architecture presented by PM Tim Sheils, Silver Spring Lodge 215
Stated Communication - 2nd Degree
Education: The Quadrivium presented by PM Joe Martinez, Manasseh Lodge 182
Past Master Night
The Brothers of Odenton Lodge will be providing dinner for the Past Masters of Odenton Lodge and honoring them during our meeting. For more information please contact SW Wertz.
Stated Communication - 1st Degree
Odenton Lodge #209 will be initiating three new Brothers into our fraternity.
Snow Tubing
The Brothers of Odenton Lodge #209 along with their friends and families are invited to go snow tubing at Liberty Mountain Resort. Tickets can be purchased via the link below:
Please purchase tickets for the 10am session if you plan to join us so we tube as a group. For further information please contact WM Casey.
A Cut Above the Rest Dinner
The Brothers of Odenton Lodge and their invited guests are welcome to attend our quarterly Cut Above the Rest Dinner. This quarters dinner will be at Medium Rare in Columbia, MD.
Stated Communication - 1st Degree
Education: Anti-Masonry in Nazi Germany presented by GI Richard Rice, PM Glen Burnie Lodge 213
Open Installation of Officers
The 2025 Odenton Lodge Officers will be installed. Families and friends are welcome to attend. Breakfast will be served at 9am with the installation to follow at 10am.
Dress Rehearsal for Open Installation
The 2024 and 2025 Officers will practice with the DGL in preparation for Open Installation of Officers on Saturday January 4th.
Stated Communication (Cancelled)
In lieu of our stated communication Odenton Lodge will be holding it’s annual holiday dinner. Brothers are welcome to invite their friends and family to a night of food, fellowship, and holiday cheer.
Visit to George Washington Lodge of Research #1732
The Brothers of Odenton Lodge will be visiting George Washington Lodge of Research in Fredericksburg, VA. Breakfast is at 8am and the meeting begins at 11am.
Stated Communication (1st Degree)
The Brothers of Odenton Lodge will be holding elections to elect our officers for 2025.
Stated Communication (1st Degree)
Education: The History of Kilts in Freemasonry presented by Brother Tyler Noah Jones.
Philadelphia Trip
The Brothers of Odenton Lodge will be taking a day trip to Philadelphia in order to tour the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and see the city sites.
Stated Communication (2nd Degree)
The Officers of Odenton Lodge will be passing Brother Joshua Raup to the degree of Fellowcraft.
Stated Communication (1st Degree)
Education: Anti-Masonry in Nazi Germany Presented by GI Richard Rice
Odenton Lodge #209 Open House
The Brothers of Odenton Lodge #209 will be holding an Open House to share information about the fraternity with prospective members in the community.
Piney Orchard Street Festival
The Brothers of Odenton Lodge #209 will be setting up a table at the Piney Orchard Street Festival in order to share information about our lodge with the members of the community.