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POSTPONED - Marching Our Veterans Back To Work - POSTPONED
9:00 AM09:00

POSTPONED - Marching Our Veterans Back To Work - POSTPONED

This event has been postponed due to a conflict in scheduling. Once new date is received this site and calendar will be updated.

Odenton Lodge No. 209 will be participating in the

3rd Annual Marching Our Veterans Back to Work 


This event provides suits to veterans and their immediate families as they transition, as well as veterans that might have fallen on tough economic times. The event will also have members of various industries ready to receive resumes, applications. Interviews will also be conducted on site. 

Members of Odenton Lodge No. 209 will be collecting suits to support this effort. If you or your Lodge would like to donate, please contact Bro. Luis Gonzalez ( or Bro. Dario Fermaint ( for pick up coordination. 

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